Virtual Events Key Strategies To Extend The Life Of Your Virtual Event In this piece, we explore some of the key strategies to help you extend the shelf life of your virtual event.
Virtual Events How To Measure The Success Of Your Virtual Event There are many important metrics you can consider for measuring the success of your virtual event, for both yourself and your sponsors. Here we list a few to get you started.
Virtual Events Supplier Spotlight: Our Top Virtual Suppliers Of The Month Check out our top virtual entertainment suppliers of the month.
How To Guide Your Guide To Planning Your 2021 Event Strategy We've been given a roadmap out of lockdown and a start date for live events. So what now? We share our top tips for planning your 2021 event strategy.
Virtual Events Top Tips For Successful Virtual Event Networking Virtual events bring new opportunities for networking with peers and customers. Here are some top tips for facilitating this and get your attendees interacting.
Virtual Events 8 Top Tips For Successful Virtual Audience Engagement To make your virtual event stand out from the crowd, bring your audience into the event conversation. Here's 8 top tips for getting your attendees involved and engaged.
Virtual Events 8 Of The Best Virtual Audience Engagement Tools On The Market It's important to get your audience interacting and engaging with your virtual event. Here are the best tools to help you do it!
Virtual Events What Technology Do I Need To Host My Virtual Event? It's important to make sure you're using the best possible tech for your virtual event, so we've compiled a handy list of what you'll need to get started.
Virtual Events 11 Types of Virtual Event Formats To Consider for Your Event Strategy In this saturated market, it's important to create a great virtual event that people will remember. To help you get started, here's 11 virtual event formats for you to consider for your event strategy.
Virtual Events Tips For Making A Virtual Conference Memorable On A Budget In these unprecedented times, virtual events are a great option for communicating with your customers. Here are our top tips on organising a virtual event on a budget.
Virtual Events Your Virtual Event Planning Checklist We've prepared this handy checklist so you can get on top of planning your virtual event and ensure it runs without a hitch.
Virtual Events 5 of The Best Virtual Event Examples of 2020 There have been some great virtual events this year. In this piece, we shine a spotlight on our top 5.
EventLAB 2020 Online How To Facilitate Networking At Your Virtual or Hybrid Event The first discussion of EventLAB Online Part 2 explored hybrid event networking with some expert eventprofs on the panel.
EventLAB 2020 Online Case Study: How To Step Up Your Virtual Events With Gamification Matt Margetson walks us through a case study of a virtual experience Smyle created for Samsung for a new product launch.
EventLAB 2020 Online How To Take Immersive Experiences Into 2021 The penultimate discussion of the morning was about the impact coronavirus has had on immersive events, as well as trend forecasts for 2021.
EventLAB 2020 Online Smaller Teams and Smaller Budgets - How To Adapt To Doing More With Less For this panel discussion on event ROI, we welcomed Amy Kobelis from WWF, Kate Davey from London Metal Exchange and our very own Eliot Sargeant.
EventLAB 2020 Online Organising Hybrid Events - The Venue Perspective This fireside chat at EventLAB Online explored the experiences of organising a hybrid event, through the eyes of a venue.
EventLAB 2020 Online Ensuring Equal Opportunities Through The Hiring And Training Process The final discussion of EventLAB Online Part 2 discussed inclusive hiring and training.
EventLAB 2020 Online How To Nail Remote Leadership This discussion was all about the effect remote working may have on productivity, new practices businesses are adopting and barriers to progress.
EventLAB 2020 Online Post-Covid Project Management - What Does The Future Hold? Watch this fireside chat with Lizzy Eaton, Director of Oddity Events & Marketing and Karolina Daniuk, Senior Events Manager at Digital Catapult.
EventLAB 2020 Online Get Creative And Make Your Events More Sustainable The first session of EventLAB 2020 Online Part 1 was 'Creative Problem Solving For More Sustainable Events'.
Coronavirus Updates Hire Space Joins Shadow Business Minister Roundtable on Events Sector Hire Space joined a roundtable hosted by Lucy Powell MP, Shadow Business Minister, called to inform the opposition’s campaigning in support of the events industry.
Virtual Events How To Create An Awesome Virtual Away Day Away days are a great way to bring the team together and have some fun too. Read our top tips for planning an engaging away day - online.
Back to Business Live Stream Series Back to Business: Case Study of a Real Life Event Episode 3 tackled the challenges, compromises, highs, lows and joys of actively planning a live event again. Speaking on the panel was Chetan Shah and Frances Green.
Safer Events NHS QR Codes: What Are They and Why do I Need Them? Ahead of the launch of the new NHS COVID-19 app, find out how you can set your venue up for the check-in feature, how it works, and how to use it for your events.