The Fortnight In Review Episode 2
Each fortnight, on Wednesdays at 11am, we hold a new live stream discussion titled 'The Fortnight In Review', where we bring together industry leaders to discuss the latest coronavirus news and events industry responses.
This fortnight in the second episode of the series, we welcomed back Carina Bauer, CEO of IMEX, and Simon Hughes, Vice-Chair of BVEP to discuss what we as an industry should be thinking about ahead of government announcements this week. The panel discussed whether we're prepared enough for a return to work, the negotiations the government is focusing on, and what we as event professionals should be focusing on now. They also touched upon the new report released by the BVEP yesterday, The UK Events Report, which takes an in-depth look at the events industry.
As usual, we also took several questions from our listeners via our social media channels. You can watch the session below.
We hope you enjoyed the second episode of our live stream. If you want to watch the first episode too, you can watch it here. Why not add the live stream to your Outlook Calendar or your Google Calendar so you never miss an episode!
If you have questions you'd like us to address next time, please email us at or reach out on social media using the hashtag #hspresents.
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